You may think Betty Crocker is a little "old school." Think twice. Betty was created 88 years ago “to respond to customer inquiries in a more personal manner” She was, by the way, invented by a small company to talk about a commodity product, baking flour.
Betty and her mission came to mind the other day as I looked at a friend’s website. I shall
call my friend Tim and fudge some of his business details to protect what has always been a cordial relationsip.
Tim is
smart, honest, and focused. He sells quality things. Shake his
hand and you know he’s a person you want to do business with. Like most companies, what’s
unique about Tim’s isn’t what’s on the shelves. It’s his values, policies, and people that set Tim’s company apart.
Unfortunately his website does not convey this competitive advantage.
The site lacks what I call humanility - that combination of humanity and
personality that elevates communication beyond features and benefits and into
the realm of the intangibles that differentiate one business from
no recipe that applies unconditionally to every business - but Tim’s website
could be a lot better if he followed what I think of as Betty’s recipe.
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